I've been searching around for burls today. One that I like very much is camphor burl. The photo says it all. Gilmer Wood Company says the wood is stable and easy to work. I think I need to find out, don't you?
One concern is the moisture content of the wood. They list it as green to partially air dried. That adds a level of complication...

Oh yeah, and you have to buy $100, minimum, at a time. I'm thinking they do this Internet thing reluctantly, how about you?
I turned some red palm and b&w ebony today. The red palm splintered and the b&wE streaked with sanding. At least they were predictable. I worked around those problems, and now I have a couple of cute little shaving brush handles for 22mm knots. When I finish the CA wars, I'll post a picture.
CA wars? You say? Well, we all know that CA has a mind of its own. It responds differently to every wood I think. With a little patience though, it makes a great finish.
Speaking of CA, if you are looking for a good deal, this is one place to look. The guy running this outfit is named Gordon. If you decide to buy here, get used to Gordon spamming you. He can't help it. I've asked him to take me off his list four times. My request sticks for a couple of months, then he spams me again.
Hey, why should he listen to me? I'm the customer after all! Anyway, if you can live with a potential "new best friend for life", check it out. I'm already infected so I guess I'll buy again. Do you think I should?
Night, night...